Joseph and Mary
Here's the baby!
Away in a Manger
A wise man
Living, Loving, Laughing and Learning Together
Esther loves her baths these days. I guess the bathtub can be a fun place to play even without the water--this is where I found her the other evening. She kept saying "ba', ba" for bath.
Mary Anne tagged me awhile back to write a list of 15 things you might not know about me. With Thanksgiving coming up I'm planning to take a little break from blogging, and I thought this might be a fun post before I go. Of course, what you don't know depends on who you are...I'm generally not a good secret keeper! So here's a list of 15 things you may or may not know about me, in no particular order...
I celebrated my 6th birthday in Mexico, my 10th in Guatemala, 13th in France, 16th in Bolivia, 18th in Austria, 21st in Jordan, 22nd in Japan, 23rd in Nicaragua...the rest you'll have to guess.
I once won a grapefruit-eating contests by finishing off 10 grapefruit halves for breakfast.
I also won a water-chugging contest by drinking a glass of water faster than anyone else.
All three of my children were born without epidurals or any other form of medical pain relief.
I majored in Archeology in college.
When I graduated I accepted a commission in the US Air Force (archeology doesn't pay well...); They didn't know what to do with an archeologist so they put me in charge of lodging.
My greatest accomplishment as an Air Force officer was getting the cable TV fixed in time for a visiting General to watch an all-important football game.
The most fun I had in the Air Force was driving a bulldozer.
I happily changed careers when my husband and I were blessed with our first beautiful baby. Now God is my employer, my children are my stewardship, and my salary comes in hugs and kisses.
Thanks to my 3-year-old son, I still get to drive bulldozers; now they are the kind that push sand around at the park.
I also have many opportunities to use my archeology training, unearthing lost and buried treasures (that missing shoe?) around the house.
I have lived in 17 cities, in 6 countries, on 4 continents, in 2 hemispheres.
In the first year after I met my husband I asked him out three times. He asked me out once. (He later made up for the discrepancy).
I have had some success in learning to speak French, Spanish, and Japanese. I have had much less succes in attempts to learn Russian, Cantonese, German, Arabic, and Hebrew...
I have read the Bible cover to cover at least twice. I have read the Book of Mormon cover to cover at least 10 times. The Book of Mormon is a lot shorter.
I've been wanting to catch a picture of this fellow for awhile. This is our friend Squirrel Nutkin; he hangs around looking for crumbs and such and has more than once been know to come into the house to steal fruit, if we ever leave the back door open. This morning he was caught red-handed trying to break in--he's climbing on the screen door. The sliding glass door was closed, so no squirrel-bitten apples this time.
Church this morning centered around the annual Primary children's presentation. Lily had a part to read, and did it very well (once she recovered from a minor panic attack when all the children were walking to the front of the chapel). She actually read most of this on her own, she only needed prompting on a few words; can you tell I am proud of her?
"I know I am a child of God. I am glad my parents have taught me about Heavenly Father and Jesus. I know that all people are children of God and he loves each of us. We can tell other people about Heavenly Father and Jesus. When they learn about the gospel they will be happy. We will be happy too.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. "